Help! I’m too Risk-Averse to Invest

Being Cautious With Your Money For years your friends have been telling you to invest in the stock market. You resisted, insisting that High-Interest Savings Accounts (HISAs) and Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) were all you needed. Besides, you already had some money in the stock market...

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Financial Planning for the Single Person

“This whole notion of marriage is out of date.” Maybe. Or maybe this whole notion of marrying for love is out of date. Let’s bring back arranged marriages. Do you think that is farfetched? Although in decline, the practice of arranging meetings between prospective spouses,...

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Who to see when you have too much debt

On July 15, 2023, the Toronto Star published a lengthy article, written by Richard Warnica, about the unregulated services of a debt consultant. While the story focuses on an individual and a particular debt consultancy firm, the context applies to a broad swath of the...

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An Executor’s Checklist

An Honour? Many people may regard being named an executor as an honour. There is a sense that your appointment in the will means that you are trustworthy and competent to complete the task.   However, while someone named to the role of executor should indeed be trustworthy...

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