Financial planning is about well-being. People want to feel good. At first, it’s all about money and numbers. But ultimately, it’s about contentment.
Russell J. Sawatsky
Certified Financial Planner®
For 14 years I worked as a licensed representative at a self-directed brokerage company in London, Ontario. I founded Money Architect Financial Planning in response to an unaddressed need I identified among my Do-It-Yourself investor clients; they could all benefit from foundational guidance.
The Problem – Choosing the Right US Market Exposure You’ve decided to add US equities to your portfolio but now comes the tricky part—choosing betwee...
The Lure of the Tax-Free Millionaire Dream Larry MacDonald of The Globe and Mail has highlighted remarkable success stories of investors turning the...
Investing on your own can be rewarding, but it’s not without its difficulties. Adam Bornn, from Parallel Wealth, highlights eight challenges DIY investor...
“We were very satisfied with Russ’ comprehensive and easily-understood counsel. The verbal and written feedback about our finances is definitely helping shape our decisions going forward. We are looking forward to our annual review.”
- Brenda & Gary
“Maureen and I are great fans of Russ’s approach to financial planning. While the process of establishing the clients goals, assets and risk profiles are standard approaches, Russ stands out by being objective and not connected to fee based funds.”