FP Canada | Money Architect, Russell Sawatsky

Financial Planning for Canadians

A guide to the financial planning process by FP Canada, the certifying body for professional financial planners.

Ontario Securities Commission | Money Architect, Russell Sawatsky

Get Smarter About Money

A wide variety of information, courtesy of the Ontario Securities Commission.

Canadian Couch Potato | Money Architect, Russell Sawatsky

Canadian Couch Potato

A very accessibly written blog by Dan Bortolotti offers “your complete guide to index investing”.

Steadyhand | Money Architect, Russell Sawatsky

Steadyhand “Cutting Through the Noise” Blog

You don’t have to own one of Steadyhand’s mutual funds to read this blog and gain good insights on almost every aspect of investing, financial markets, and the Canadian economy.

Money Architect has selected these resources based on its independent assessment of accessibility, accuracy, and value of information. Money Architect has no affiliation with these
outside resources and receives no referral fees.