Ten Don’ts for DIY Investors

In my student days, I remember an ethics professor saying something to the effect of, “That which is not prohibited is permitted.” Of course, one pithy sentence does not exactly provide the full range of nuance that was elaborated on over the semesters that I...

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The Pros and Cons of Commuting a Pension

In years gone by, many people sought a job that would provide the proverbial “gold-plated” pension plan, by which was meant a defined benefit pension, what one might refer to as a “true” pension. That is, once you retired, you would get guaranteed, possibly inflation-protected,...

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In-Kind Contributions to RRSPs

It’s “RRSP season” and once again there is a scramble among a substantial proportion of Canadians to put a 2021 contribution together by the March 1, 2022 deadline. If the cash is not available, the classic option has been to get an RRSP loan from...

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Understanding Canadian Tax Rates

I have sometimes heard it said, “There’s no point in earning extra income; it’s just going to be taxed away.” Oddly enough, no one seems to turn away a raise.   Graduated vs. Flat Tax Canada has a graduated income tax regime. This means that the more you...

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