Assessing the “Latte Factor”

A couple of years ago, David Bach, with John David Mann, published the book The Latte Factor. I haven’t read the book, so this is not a review. But looking at the table of contents, it appears that the book is not simply about investing...

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Withdrawing from your RRSP

You have been diligently saving for your retirement in your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). However, after surveying your finances, needs, and opportunities, you decide that you need to withdraw some money from your RRSP.   The RRSP is, as the name indicates, a savings plan. You...

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Using the Pension Income Tax Credit

After a working career of three or four decades or more, you hope you have put away an adequate amount of money in your employer pension plan and/or your RRSP so that you can live an adequate lifestyle in retirement. You are concerned, however. Living...

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