Preparing for the Retirement Journey

Meet Emma and Roy, a couple from Winnipeg eagerly counting down the days to their retirement, just five years away. Aware of the importance of careful financial planning, they decide to engage an advice-only financial planner to support their transition into their “golden years.”   Step 1:...

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Are You Equipped to Be a DIY Investor?

There is a lot to be said in favour of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) investing. The barriers (online access, real-time quotes, lower costs, etc.) have come down dramatically in recent years. Simultaneously, I would argue, the fact that there are fewer barriers means that the DIYer has...

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GICs vs. a Balanced Stock-Bond Portfolio

Recently, I’ve been thinking about saving versus investing or the idea of engaging in “risky” investments versus “safe” interest-bearing deposit products. This idea came to mind again because of the findings presented in my last blog post that financial planners in Japan did not tend...

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Japan Travelog: Part 3. Personal Finance

Banking You may be aware that some political parties and union advocates have argued that, to develop Canada Post’s viability, financial services should be offered at post office branches. I am not sure how common that is in other countries, but Japan’s post offices have long...

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Japan Travelog: Part 2. Transportation

Above: One of the shinkansen (新幹線), pulling into Fukuyama Station, Hiroshima.   Rail Transportation My wife and I each bought three-week Japan Rail Passes. These passes, which can be purchased for one or two-week periods as well, allow access to the entirety of the Japan Railways (JR) system,...

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