Are You Financially Literate?

Each year the month of November is designated as Financial Literacy Month. I like to think that each blog post that I write adds to the financial literacy of my readers, but there is something to be said for a special focus on bringing up...

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What Does it Take to Become Wealthy?

The word “wealth” may throw off the average Canadian. Sure, many Canadians want to become rich, by which they mean, they want to have a lot of money. However, I think that most Canadians have more modest expectations. Something like, “I want to afford a...

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Being Indifferent … to Dividends

Dividends and Dates When I worked at a discount brokerage, I routinely fielded questions about dividends, in particular, the record date and the ex-dividend date (often abbreviated as “ex-date”). Investors would often get confused by these two dates and the impact they would have on their...

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