DRIP-ping Your Way to Wealth(?)

One of the reasons why people love dividends, especially in the accumulation stage, is that they like the idea of being paid from their investments and using those investments to buy more of the same securities. This can be done in an automated matter by...

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Being Indifferent … to Dividends

Dividends and Dates When I worked at a discount brokerage, I routinely fielded questions about dividends, in particular, the record date and the ex-dividend date (often abbreviated as “ex-date”). Investors would often get confused by these two dates and the impact they would have on their...

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In-Kind Contributions to RRSPs

It’s “RRSP season” and once again there is a scramble among a substantial proportion of Canadians to put a 2021 contribution together by the March 1, 2022 deadline. If the cash is not available, the classic option has been to get an RRSP loan from...

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Taxation of Investment Income

An Introduction to Tax Planning – Part 4 You think of yourself and your spouse along with your two children as an average family. Like me you are a resident of London, Ontario. Between the two of you, you earn about $80,000 per year or about...

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