Planning for Retirement on a Low Income: A Special Presentation

I have written before about retiring on a low income, in this blog post. Much of that post relied on the writing of John Stapleton, an expert on benefit programs for low-income earners, and a retired Ontario civil servant.


Periodically, Stapleton makes live presentations via programs offered by the Toronto Public Library. Despite the focus on Ontario, his guidance is broadly applicable across the country. Accompanying Stapleton in the presentation will be financial planner and journalist Alexandra Macqueen, CFP®.


If you expect to retire on a low income, perhaps because you never earned a high income in the first place, so you never built up much in the way of retirement savings or Canada Pension Plan contributions, then this presentation is for you.


If you are a relative newcomer to Canada and wonder how much you can get from Old Age Security or the Guaranteed Income Supplement, then this presentation is also for you.


This event takes place on Thursday, November 4, at 6 pm Eastern Daylight Time. Go to this website and click on Save my spot! to register. Note that you need to use a Chrome browser to register.


Whether you register or not, go to this site and download Stapleton’s booklet on Low Income Retirement Planning. He updates it regularly, with the most recent version having been done in July 2021.


I am confident that you will find this presentation to be a benefit for you and/or for a friend or loved one who is anticipating a low income in retirement.


This is the 120th blog post for Russ Writes.


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Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for general information and discussion purposes only. It should not be relied upon for investment, insurance, tax, or legal decisions.