Disciplinary Actions in Financial Planning

One of the hallmarks of any credential-granting professional body is that it has a well-established disciplinary process. The credential-granting body to which I answer is FP Canada. A division of FP Canada, the FP Canada Standards Council™, establishes and enforces the standards that are required...

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Finances and Your New Baby

Bringing a new baby into your home is an exciting but anxiety-inducing time. There is so much change, especially if it is the first baby. There are also lots of financial implications. In retrospect, I’m not sure how we managed to accomplish it when we...

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Conspiracy Theories and Personal Finance

What are Conspiracy Theories? This term gets bandied about a lot recently, and these theories find their fans at both ends of the ideological spectrum. Source: Jan Willem van Prooijen, Andre Krouwel and Thomas Pollet, “Political Extremism Predicts Belief in Conspiracy Theories,” Social Psychological and Personal Science...

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Dealing with Debt

Debt is not a fun topic. Well, maybe it is if you like engaging in stories like those of the Four Yorkshiremen, later popularized by Monty Python, who sought to outdo each other with their personal histories of poverty.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAdlkunflRs   Poverty and debt are not, of course,...

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Understanding Financial Credentials

You are looking for someone who can provide you with professional financial advice. Where do you begin? Perhaps you search the internet for investment advice. A list immediately comes up with several advisors from one of the major bank-owned investment firms. A common designation among...

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